FlashDevelop build process can be customized to run certain command on every build, it is possible to use this feature if the testing needs to be done using a web server and a web browser instead of Adobe Flash Player Projector.
In this example the web server is installed on the same system as FlashDevelop. The web server is an Apache httpd, included in XAMPP Lite package, run on a Windows OS.
To copy the binary to htdocs folder:
- Open Project properties.
- Enter this line into Post-Build Command Line in the Build tab:
xcopy /y /e "$(OutputDir)*.*" c:\xampplite\htdocs\
To automatically open a new web browser tab / window:
- Open Project properties.
- Change Test Movie combo box to Open document... and click Edit...
- Enter the desired URL, for example: http://localhost/main.html